Friday, March 29, 2024

JimEMacLive ft Ralo the Pimp - Choose ℗

JimEMacLive feat. Ralo tha Pimp - Choose ℗
JimEMacLIVE Artist Bio. Hip-hop has long been rooted in authenticity, and it's hard to find someone who puts his sweat & tears into the genre like Jim EMac. Growing up on the streets of Indianapolis, crime & violence were prevalent right outside his door, however, a younger version of himself found solace inside with his mother. Helping her clean the house to the sounds of Al Hudson and discovering music from the likes of E40 & Pac helped shape his musical taste from an early age. When he decided to start crafting his own sound during his teenage years, while the skillset was unpolished, his unwavering determination & versatility were as present as ever. When darkness surrounds his city, Jim wants to be that ray of light piercing through the veil. "This is my therapy. Love, gratitude, determination; you can overcome any & all obstacles that come before you as long as you believe."